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Mike Lendvay

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Prioritizing PCI - Part 2: Protecting Yourself

Jun 11, 2020 12:30:00 PM / by Mike Lendvay


PCI Compliance can be daunting for new merchants or service providers. The PCI-DSS contains 12 requirements, with 412 sub-requirements and sub-sub-requirements covering over 115 pages. It begs the question, "Where do I start?"

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Prioritizing PCI - Part 1: Watching What You Store

Apr 6, 2020 11:24:00 AM / by Mike Lendvay


PCI Compliance can be daunting for new merchants or service providers. The PCI-DSS contains 12 requirements, with 412 sub-requirements and sub-sub-requirements covering over 115 pages. It begs the question, "Where do I start?"

Fortunately, the Security Standards Council offers a roadmap for navigating the road to PCI Compliance called the PCI Prioritized Approach. This approach lays out the DSS requirements as a set of 6 milestones to attaining compliance. In this series, we will take a look at the 6 milestones and how to apply them to your business operations.

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Payment Information Guidelines

Jun 3, 2019 10:24:00 AM / by Mike Lendvay


CBOSS strives to be on the forefront of security and compliance, in order to protect the data of our clients and their customers. As the result of ten-plus years of audits, CBOSS has developed a comprehensive set of policies and procedures for managing and securing payment data. These policies, along with dedicated training, ensure the safety of sensitive information. This blog will outline the information that needs protected, as well as some best practices your organization can follow.

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CBOSS Completes Data Center Migration

Nov 9, 2018 10:25:45 AM / by Mike Lendvay


CBOSS, Inc. is pleased to announce the completion of the latest initiative in our continuing efforts to offer robust, scalable, and secure payment systems. To support our customers more efficiently and securely we have partnered with Iron Mountain Data Centers, for data center management and colocation services.

With this partnership, CBOSS has migrated all production systems to IMDC datacenters, offering numerous benefits for CBOSS and its customers:


Tier III Infrastructure

All production CBOSS systems are now operating on IMDC’s Uptime Institute Tier III rated infrastructure. This means everything from power, to cooling, to network uplinks are all fully redundant, and concurrently maintainable. All vital distribution paths are separated, eliminating single points of failure from CBOSS systems, to the outside world. Combined with CBOSS’ fully redundant network architecture, this means the highest possible availability and the least possible downtime for customers dependent on CBOSS services.


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The Equifax Breach: What Happened, and What's Next?

Sep 14, 2017 11:54:42 AM / by Mike Lendvay


What happened?

Last week, credit reporting agency Equifax announced what is certain to be one of the worst security breaches in the history of cyber-security. During the period between mid-May and the end of July, an unidentified intruder siphoned off the personal information of 143 million Americans, as well as a smattering of individuals from the U.K. and Canada. The attacker(s) exploited a vulnerability in the company's website to gain access to names, addresses, and social security numbers, as well as some customer credit card numbers.

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Safeguard Your Card: Best Practices to Avoid Fraud

Aug 7, 2017 12:19:45 PM / by Mike Lendvay


Electronic payments are a vital part of doing business in almost every industry. They are central to how companies interact with each other, their customers, and their vendors. But the speed and convenience of ePayments brings with it risks: identity theft, credit card fraud, or bank account fraud. To combat these risks, we would like to share with you some helpful tips to keep your financial information safe:

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WannaCry About Skipping Updates

May 15, 2017 3:44:06 PM / by Mike Lendvay


Starting the end of last week, computer systems in over 70 countries across the globe were hit by virulent strain of malware going by the names Wanna Decryptor, Wcry, or Wanna Cry. Included in innumerable victims of this attack were many systems at the British National Health Service. The malware spread quickly through affected networks, encrypting all personal data and demanding a ransom in bitcoin equivalent to $300 per affected system.

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